Vegan Enchilada Casserole


This recipe is OFF THE CHARTS! I felt like we were dining at a gourmet Mexican restaurant. My kids had fun helping in the kitchen & were super impatient waiting for it to come out of the oven.

Between mouthfuls, my son kept saying, "this is sooo delish!" 😋 First time I heard him use the word "delish" so much! 😂

Slam dunk! Another keeper!🤗

Thank you Debra Klein for this awesome recipe!

This vegan enchilada casserole has:

Loaded with veggies & plant-based goodness. Bursting with flavor! What more can you ask for?

We used Siete Foods chickpea flour tortillas which I've recently fallen in love with. Have you tried it?

Check out the recipe here!


With much ❤️,
Dr. Narayan


Steamed Sweet Plantains


Instant Pot Spanish Paella