Strawberry Basil Chia Pudding


Strawberries and basil are like a match made in heaven, aren't they? 🤩

Mmmm. 😋

Chia pudding is a staple in our home for either breakfast, snack, or sweet treat. You can't go wrong with it and topping possibilities are endless! Plus it’s just 3 ingredients - COME. ON.

Oooh! Strawberries and blueberries would be perfect for the #fourthofjuly!

For breakfast, I like to add in some vegan protein powder for an added protein boost. And of course I toss in a tablespoon of MCT oil and a healthy drizzle of honey. Use any nut milk of choice.

It's a great one to throw together the night before, but I even make it in the morning and the chia seeds plump up into a nice thick pudding in no time.

Why do I love chia seeds?

☑️Support digestive health

☑️ Reduces inflammation in the body

☑️ Slows down signs of aging

☑️ Supports hydration

It's high in -



☑️Omega-3 Fatty Acids


☑️Vitamins & Minerals

Did you know that Chia seeds were known as "runner's food" because runners and warriors ate them to provide energy and endurance? Aztec warriors claimed that one spoonful could sustain them for 24 hours! 😮

Strawberry Basil Chia Pudding


  • 2-3 tablespoon chia seeds (depends on how thick you like it)

  • 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk (or milk of choice)

  • 1 teaspoon honey or other sweetener to taste

Optional add-ins: Cinnamon, MCT oil, collagen or protein powder of choice

Optional toppings: Fruit, nuts, granola (I used strawberries, fresh basil, and walnuts here)


  1. Pour ingredients into a bowl and mix well until you see no clumps.

  2. Cover the bowl and store in fridge overnight or for at least 1 hour.

  3. Top with your favorite toppings!

Enjoy! 😋

With much ❤️,
Dr. Narayan


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