Orange Jing Okra

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What's your favorite summer veggie?

One of my faves is OKRA!

Did you know that:

✅There are over 13 different varieties of okra? ( I didn't until I planted some in Spring!)

✅You can eat okra RAW? (Confession: still need to try!)

✅You can use the leaves of the okra plant in salads or as sautéed greens? (Also need to try!)

✅Okra is technically classified as a fruit since it contains seeds?

The variety I've photographed is heirloom Orange Jing that I sowed in Spring. Beautiful color! Once cooked, it turns into the standard okra green - also seen in the pic. Interesting! 🤔

Though I love okra in gumbo, there's tons of creative ways to prepare it besides tossing in soups/stews or frying.

I've simply pan sautéed it here in coconut oil with some minced onion, mustard seeds, black pepper, Himalayan salt, and turmeric powder. Ooh! I also added in some diced Thai chili from the garden. (You know I've gotta kick up the spice! 😉 Totally optional.)

An even simpler & delicious option is to toss it with a high-heat oil of choice (coconut, avocado, or ghee) salt & pepper, spread on a baking sheet & bake at 425F for about 10 mins.

Okra is rich in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, & phytonutrients! It's great for your gut, promotes healthy cholesterol, immune strength, & blood sugar control!

With much love ️❤️,
Dr. Narayan




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