Health? Care?

Wanna hear what I LOVE most about visiting the doctor? [sarcasm]

  • Cold, sterile waiting room.

  • Feeling like a number on a conveyor belt.

  • Waiting in one freezing room, then another, never knowing how long your wait will be. Good thing you blocked off your day! (Not!)

  • Filling out endless paperwork. Every. Single. Time. Does anyone ever read this?

  • Feeling pressured and rushed during the visit.

  • Doctors unable to peel eyes off computers.

  • Leaving with a handful of prescriptions and wondering, “what just happened?”

  • Confusing bills weeks to months after the visit that make no sense at all. UGH. Another burden to tackle.

  • Putting off prescribed pills because they make you feel like crap.

  • Feeling guilty for not taking prescribed meds leading to stress eating a carton of ice cream.

  • Dreading the next visit and putting it off as long as possible.

  • Scouring WebMD for answers.

  • Splurging on vitamins because they feel better than prescriptions.  

Rinse and repeat.


Our Healthcare system in a nutshell!


AWESOME, right?




Why do we sign up for this? Where is the HEALTH or CARE? Why is this accepted? We’ve fallen victim to the “standard of care.”

Is this acceptable to you?


Not-so-Fun fact: After my first pregnancy, I was billed for a C-Section when I had a normal delivery. The OB on call didn’t even show up for my delivery. It was the worst care ever, but that’s another story. Despite this, I was expected to pay in full PLUS a C-section I never had. My blood and guts are on that bill because my morals wouldn’t let this go. I painfully tried to get it corrected, but they just sent it to collections.


Grand finale: major hit to credit score. Over a year of wasted time and stress trying to get a major coding error corrected.


After three pregnancies with three different high premium PPO plans, I realized the full extent of price gouging within this system. Every year, this only gets worse with rising premiums, less coverage, and more out-of-pocket costs. This lack of transparency and confusion has me avoiding my own health-related care.

And, I’m a doctor. I should know better, right?


When I first started practicing Functional Medicine, my patients never had anyone speak to them about lifestyle changes, or how to get off medications. Never had anyone listen and take the time to understand their concerns. They loved it.

Word traveled fast.


I have bent over backwards, sacrificing my own quality of life to work in this system, and it has left me burned out and miserable.


In healthcare today, I’ve learned that:

  • mastering billing codes is the key to a thriving practice.

  • you spend more time charting than caring for patients.

  • the less time you spend with each patient, the more money you make.

  • the more medications prescribed and procedures done, the higher the billing code and the bigger the insurance payout.

  • reversing disease and getting patients healthy is not rewarded.

  • doctors work for insurance, not patients.


We deserve BETTER.

If a system doesn’t exist, it’s time to create it.

So welcome!

Welcome to a doctor that:

  • values your time.

  • centers her practice around YOU, not insurance.

  • cares for you like family.

  • is proactive about your health.

  • is on the cutting edge, focused on prevention of disease.

  • seeks to understand underlying dysfunction in the body, NOT mask symptoms with medications.

  • offers in-depth testing to uncover the root cause of dysfunction.

  • educates and actively works with you to reverse disease.

  • prescribes food first, not medications.

  • empowers you, providing tools and resources to help you achieve optimal health.

Someone who “gets you.”

Your trusted partner in health.


What a breath of fresh air!


I invite you to take a stand.

Don’t let a broken system keep you from living your best life!

Health is your biggest asset. Don’t you deserve better?

With much love,


How to Create a HEALTH Mindset


The Power of Group Visits